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Language of Power
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Insights from the Thaum AI team. We ran our NLP model on over 150,000 transcripts of Australian politicians and generated visualisations that display sentiment (emotional tone) of public discourse in marginal topics.
GovHack 2020 - Video
As usual, done in one shot, no edits, at the last moment.
Written by
16 Aug 2020
What have been the themes of leadership in Australian Prime Ministers?
NLP Thematic analysis of the language used in speeches and interviews.
Written by
15 Aug 2020
How has the tone of language of Australian politicians changed over time?
The answer might surprise you.
Written by
15 Aug 2020
What is the tone of Australian Prime Ministers?
NLP sentiment analysis on public interviews and speeches
Written by
15 Aug 2020
How does the sentiment of public discource change around times of turmoil and other major events?
Emotional analysis of language with labels of major global social events
Written by
15 Aug 2020
Does the meaning of words change over time?
Does pragmatism cause a pressure thus covertly changing semantics?
Written by
15 Aug 2020
Natural Language Processing?
We did a lot of technical things, here are some links
Written by
14 Aug 2020
The Data Science of this Project
What did we do? How did we do it?
Written by
14 Aug 2020